AI & Analytics Accelerator Company Application

The AI & Analytics Accelerator program’s company application is now open for the 2024-25 academic year. The program offers a curated multidisciplinary team of Wharton and Penn students, ranging from undergraduates to MBAs working alongside a Wharton mentor and your company champion on an 8-week project to explore your real-world business challenge(s) using your datasets and the latest techniques including machine learning and AI. The AI & Analytics Accelerator program occurs during the fall and spring semesters and applications will be considered for both.

"*" indicates required fields

Are you a Wharton or Penn alum?*
Successful student projects require a minimum of 5+ hours/week for 6-8 weeks from the main point of contact. Please confirm availability for:*
Does your organization have IT or data analytics professionals?*
Can Analytics at Wharton use your organization logo for promotional purposes and in media coverage?*
If your company is selected, as an added benefit, will you authorize Analytics at Wharton to use your organization sponsored data for other student projects like data competitions, student research projects, coursework, and workshops?*