What Does it Mean to Be a Courageous Leader? Ask Microsoft’s Kate Johnson


At the recent Penn/Wharton Women in Data Science conference in Philadelphia, Kate Johnson, president of Microsoft US, spoke with AI and Analytics for Business Executive Director Mary Purk about her career journey, managing and leading change, and Microsoft’s efforts to drive diversity and inclusion.Read More

Markets in Motion with Angie Klein, Vice President of Consumer Segment Marketing at Verizon Wireless


Angie Klein, Vice President of Consumer Segment Marketing at Verizon Wireless, joined Wharton Marketing Professors Raghu Iyengar and David Reibstein for “Markets in Motion,” a series that examines how marketing leaders and others are pivoting their business strategies and innovating in a time of disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Read More

Markets in Motion with Amit Choudhary, Chief Operating Officer and Executive VP of Global Financial Services SBU at Capgemini


Amit Choudhary, Chief Operating Officer and Executive VP of Global Financial Services SBU at Capgemini, joined Wharton Marketing Professors Raghu Iyengar and David Reibstein for “Markets in Motion,” a series that examines how marketing leaders and others are pivoting their business strategies and innovating in a time of disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Read More

Women in Data Science with EqualModel Team, University of Pennsylvania


On February 12, 2021, Vice Dean of Analytics at Wharton Eric Bradlow welcomed attendees to the final day of the Women in Data Science (WiDS) at Penn Conference, which highlighted student-led projects. This video features: A Post-Processing Algorithm for Bias Reduction in Big Data Analytics with Brian Handen, Hyewon Lee, Margaret Ji, Tashweena Heeramun, and Trishla PokharnaRead More