Student Spotlight
How Wharton is Growing the Field of Neuroscience

UPDATE: This article was originally published in September 2021. In August 2022, we spoke with Ileri Akinnola to provide an update on his journey. Click here to learn more.
When Ileri Akinnola arrived at Penn to join the Summer Undergraduate Internship Program, he wasn’t sure what to expect from an Ivy League school. He figured it would be ultra-competitive, exclusive, and perhaps a bit unwelcoming to a rising senior from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
But he found exactly the opposite.
“UPenn is not what my first impression of an Ivy League was,” he said. “I didn’t get that vibe from anyone there. It was a very inclusive environment.”
Akinnola is one of two recipients of the inaugural Applied Neuroscience and Business Analytics Fellowship, which is sponsored by the Wharton Neuroscience Initiative (WiN) and the Wharton AI & Analytics Initiative (WAIAI). The internship is designed to introduce undergraduate students to opportunities in neuroscience, behavioral science, analytics, and data science. Wharton faculty and administrators hope to expand the pipeline of job candidates who may not even be thinking of neuroscience and data analytics as career choices.
Elizabeth “Zab” Johnson, executive director of WiN, said she finds students and alumni across the Wharton and Penn community who are often surprised to learn about the broad applicability of neuroscience. They don’t realize that many companies want to incorporate neuroscience and behavioral science analytics into what they do.
Ileri Akinnola

University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Psychology, Computer Science minor
Burtonsville, Maryland
“It is our hope that this summer program will start making a difference, and that it will grow so that more and more students will have the chance to see themselves at the intersection of neuroscience and analytics.”
– Elizabeth “Zab” Johnson
“If this is the case at Penn, then there are countless undergraduate students outside of Penn who are not being reached and are thus unaware of these educational and career paths,” she said. “It is our hope that this summer program will start making a difference, and that it will grow so that more and more students will have the chance to see themselves at the intersection of neuroscience and analytics.”
Wharton marketing professor Gideon Nave, who advised Akinnola throughout his 10-week internship, pointed to the gaps in research that come from conducting studies through a narrow lens. Without heterogeneity, bias gets baked into algorithms that are built to make predictions from databases that are unrepresentative.
Digging into the Data
Akinnola worked with Nave and Johnson on forthcoming marketing research into how psychological makeup influences the movies people choose to watch. Participants were asked to share their Netflix viewing histories, provide demographic information, and take several psychological/personality surveys. The results provided a treasure trove of data to help the researchers make more accurate determinations about viewing preferences.
Nave said the study expands on previous work that was limited because it made predictions based on what viewers reported that they liked to watch, not what they actually watched.
“Ileri is a perfect match for this project,” Nave said. “It requires both computational skills and knowing how to work with data, but also understanding of psychology for deriving insight and interpretation of the findings.”
Akinnola is proficient in coding, but he also has an intense interest in psychology. In fact, he is switching his major this year to graduate with a bachelor’s in psychology and said he intends to pursue a doctorate degree in the field.
“The way I see it, with psychology you’re learning how humans work, and with computer science, you’re learning how computers work. And no matter what you do or where you go, you have to work with either/or,” he said.
The internship with WiN was the third so far in Akinnola’s college career. After his freshman year, he participated in a summer internship at the University of Florida that examined stress management techniques in an augmented reality environment, and he spent a remote summer at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, working on a gender-related study of whether male neuroscientists were cited more often in journals than female neuroscientists.
A Bright Future
Akinnola said he gained a lot of confidence during his time at Wharton because his mentors trusted him with a key role in the research project. He plans to carry that confidence with him through graduation and into the field, although he hasn’t decided if he wants to work in industry or academia.
Either way, Nave and Johnson are sure Akinnola will be a success. They said he is curious, intelligent, analytical, and able to move easily between computer science and behavioral science. It’s a unique combination of skills that most professionals haven’t integrated.
“Ileri has a toolkit that would allow him to expand knowledge by answering old questions in psychology using new methods, and asking new questions that could not have been answered earlier,” Nave said.
Akinnola hopes to see more students going after what they want without fear of rejection or that creeping feeling of imposter syndrome. He said having a solid support system is necessary. Besides his family, all three of his roommates have been researchers like him.
“I think the best advice I could give would be to find other people who align with your goals,” he said. “Having that support system to pick you up when you’re down is really important. Don’t look at it as if you stick out; use that opportunity to stand out.”
— Angie Basiouny
A Plan Comes Together
When we last spoke to Akinnola, in September of 2021, he was in the process of changing his academic pursuits to focus on psychology. Now, almost a full year later, that plan has arrived at its fullest potential.
The UMBC graduate is now pursuing a PhD in psychology at The University of Florida, where he had previously interned as an undergrad. He will be studying attitudes and social cognition, with planned projects focusing on implicit bias, intergroup bias and institutional change, impression formations, and educational interventions for bias.
For Akinnola, this academic pathway provides an opportunity to better understand, address, and prevent some of the same situations he encountered throughout his journey, such as being the only person of color in certain academic environments.

Wharton Neuroscience Initiative’s bold and comprehensive vision is to improve business, drive discoveries and new applications, and enhance the education of future leaders through the synthesis of neuroscience, psychology, business, technology, and analytics. Rooted in Wharton and spanning the entire University, the city of Philadelphia, and the industry at large, WiN engages with students, faculty, companies, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations to build better business through brain science.