Wharton Women in Analytics

This March, Analytics at Wharton celebrates International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month by showcasing business analytics leaders, pioneering researchers, and risings data science superstars.

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Interdisciplinary Influencers

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The Wharton School and Penn Engineering was proud to host the fourth annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) @ Penn Conference on February 3, 2023. For the first time since the pandemic, attendees joined us on campus for in-person talks showcasing the latest advances in data science, speaker Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities.

A celebrated interdisciplinary event open to everyone, WiDS @ Penn welcomed academic, industry, and student speakers from across the data science landscape to celebrate its diversity, both in subject matter and personnel.

How Analytics Can Boost Competitiveness in Sports

Wharton’s Eric Bradlow and FanDuel CEO Amy Howe, WG’99, discuss how analytics can benefit teams, players, and customers while ensuring the necessary data protections. Read More >>

Mapping Out Past Research to Guide Future Research

Linnea Gandhi joined the MindSet Podcast to explain her amazing work in Penn’s Computational Social Science Lab. She shares what nudge cartography is, some of the hiccups along the way, and why these efforts are trying to be the Google Maps of research.

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The Next Generation of Female Analytics Leaders

Combining Passion for Neuroscience and Soccer

Renée Creppy, a junior at Xavier University of Louisiana, was among 23 students who recently completed the MindCORE Summer Fellowship Program, a paid 10-week program at Penn that is open to outstanding undergrads. Read More >>

Penn Students Make Impact with Historic Philadelphia Non-Profit

A team of students – including Ashley Clarke, W’23, Cynthia Adhiambo, BSE’24, and Yixuan Meng, MSE’23 – spent six weeks helping the newly merged Philadelphia Orchestra and Kimmel Center, Inc. to identify opportunities to strengthen audience growth and attendance frequency by exploring their combined data. Read More >>

Investing in the Future


Analytics at Wharton is dedicated to creating opportunities to educate the next generation of data scientists and analytics leaders.

This year AAW and fellow WiDS @ Penn Conference co-hosts donated more than $17,000 from registration fees to support scholarships for high school students. These scholarships expose young talent to the field of data science and analytics and enable students to participate in the Wharton Data Science Academy.

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Workplace Dynamics


Women@Work is a weekly conversation on how to help women join, stay, succeed, and lead in the workplace. Host Laura Zarrow, executive director of Wharton People Analytics, explores tactics and strategies to help women and men succeed at all stages of their careers, talks with extraordinary role models, and looks through the gender lens to build a more inclusive, satisfying, and diverse workplace. Women@Work airs every Thursday from 5-6 p.m. ET only on SiriusXM 132.

How to Use Neuroscience to Build Team Chemistry

Illustration of two silhouetted heads facing each other with a multicolored wave connecting their brains, symbolizing communication or connection.

Nano Tools for Leaders — a collaboration between Wharton Executive Education and Wharton’s Center for Leadership and Change Management — are fast, effective tools that you can learn and start using in less than 15 minutes, with the potential to significantly impact your success.

In this Nano Tool for Leaders — How to Use Neuroscience to Build Team Chemistry — Wharton Neuroscience’s Michael Platt and Elizabeth (Zab) Johnson share seven science-based ideas to help you create a high-performing team. Read More >>

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Creating Impact with Analytics

Wharton Researchers Build Algorithm to Help Fight Sex Trafficking

Pia Ramchandani, doctoral candidate in the Department of Operations, Information and Decisions, and her professor, Hamsa Bastani, are developing algorithms to help law enforcement crack the code on covert networks that recruit victims through deceptive online ads. Read More >>

Wharton Research Shows Revitalizing Vacant Lots Pays Dividends

Professors Shane Jensen and Susan Wachter worked with Desen Lin and the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) to determine the economic effects of PHS’s Philadelphia LandCare Program, which cleans and “greens” abandoned lots throughout the city, working with communities and neighborhoods to make a positive impact. Read More >>


Penn Media Accountability Project

PennMAP is an interdisciplinary, nonpartisan research project of the Computational Social Science Lab at the University of Pennsylvania dedicated to enhancing media transparency and accountability at the scale of the entire information ecosystem.

At this year’s Women in Data Science @ Penn Conference, Homa Hosseinmardi, associate research scientist at the Penn CSS Lab, presented recent work that assesses the TV news consumption habits of tens of thousands of American adults in a longitudinal observational study to uncover their news viewership patterns.

What Big Data Reveals About Media Biases

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Conducted By Women, Powered by WRDS

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By the Numbers

SSRN Downloads from WRDS Research Paper Series
WRDS-Developed Products, Research Applications, Sample Programs, Classroom, Linking, and Analytics Tools
Datasets Across Multiple Disciplines

Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) provides the leading business intelligence, data analytics, and research services to 75,000+ users at 500+ institutions in 38+ countries―enabling impactful research, comprehensive thought leadership, and insight into the latest innovations in academic research.

The 4,000+ papers featured in the WRDS Research Paper Series on SSRN highlight the impact of WRDS on the global research community. This Series provides visibility for researchers working across an array of fields by giving press, peer recognition, and reach needed in today’s competitive academic landscape. Many of the most downloaded papers in the Series are co-authored by female academics.

Retail Trading in Options and the Rise of the Big Three Wholesalers

  • Svetlana Bryzgalova, London Business School
  • Anna Pavlova, London Business School
  • Taisiya Sikorskaya, London Business School

Inflation, the Corporate Greed Narrative, and the Value of Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Ana Mão-de-Ferro, University of St. Gallen
  • Stefano Ramelli, University of Zurich

Corporate ESG Profiles and Investor Horizons

  • Laura T. Starks, University of Texas at Austin
  • Parth Venkat, University of Alabama
  • Qifei Zhu, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University

Dissemination, Publication, and Impact of Finance Research: When Novelty Meets Conventionality

    • Rui Dai, University of Pennsylvania – Wharton Research Data Services/li>
    • Lawrence Donohue, University of Pennsylvania – Wharton Research Data Services
    • Qingyi (Freda) Drechsler, University of Pennsylvania – Wharton Research Data Services
    • Wei Jiang, Emory University