In a new article from the Wall Street Journal, Kartik Hosanagar, Faculty Co-Director of AI at Wharton, highlights how the rise of AI could ultimately reduce the cost college tuition. …Read More
In a new article from the Wall Street Journal, Kartik Hosanagar, Faculty Co-Director of AI at Wharton, highlights how the rise of AI could ultimately reduce the cost college tuition. …Read More
(Outlet: Harvard Business School) Research from a team of academics that includes Stefano Puntoni, Faculty Co-Director of AI at Wharton, demonstrates how AI companions can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and help individuals feel heard and better understood.…Read More
(Outlet: Scientific American) Large language models lack emotion and self-consciousness, but they appear to generate reasonable answers to moral quandaries. Professor Christian Terwiesch, Co-Director of the Mack Institute of Innovation Management, spoke with Scientific American about his research on AI and its ability to provide input on ethical decision-making.…Read More
Unpacking what it takes to build and deploy a large language model reveals which players stand to gain the most — and where newer entrants might have the best prospects. Read the latest from the Wharton School’s Kartik Hosanagar and Carnegie Mellon University’s Ramayya Krishnan.…Read More
(Outlet: Time) Ethan Mollick, Associate Professor at the Wharton School and Academic Director, Wharton Interactive, challenges the apocalyptic focus on AI risks and emphasizes the immediate threats of misinformation, deep fakes, and AI proliferation. He highlights the need for organizations to make informed decisions about AI’s impact on work and learning, emphasizing it requires thoughtful management and integration to avoid potential negative outcomes.…Read More
(Outlet: MIT Sloan Management Review) Explore how a study by Wharton Professors Robert J. Meyer and Gideon Nave reveals the captivating power of ephemeral content, underscoring its potential to deepen engagement in our fast-paced, information-saturated world.…Read More
(Outlet: GBK Collective) Professor Stefano Puntoni shared his excitement on the potential of AI in the customer experience realm to personalize interactions, streamline processes, and boost customer satisfaction.…Read More
(Outlet: Harvard Business Review) Stefano Puntoni, AI at Wharton faculty co-director, discusses the transformative potential of generative AI in marketing, shedding light on findings from a recent survey of 600 business leaders in large U.S.-based companies.…Read More
Analytics is increasingly becoming the backbone of decision making across functional areas and industries the world over. We believe that this capability, which is often a key differentiator, is set to play a significant role in the new economic order established in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.…Read More