Data Science to the Rescue: Faculty Tackle Real-World Problems

Eric Bradlow, Vice Dean of Analytics at the Wharton School, leads a discussion on how Penn is harnessing huge data sets to improve health care, manage business challenges, identify crime patterns, mitigate the risks of social media, and more (#ImpactAnalytics).Read More

Opening Doors and Closing Gaps: How Wharton is Creating Access and Equality for Women in Data Science and Analytics

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Only 15% to 22% of data scientists are women, a disheartening statistic that Wharton is working to change. Since it was established three years ago, Analytics at Wharton has been forging a path for more women to enter the field through aggressive recruitment, special programs, and mentorship. The effort is paying off with more female participation in its programs this year than ever before.Read More

Paying It Forward: How Wharton Data Science Academy Alumna Sydney Bramen Is Creating Impact Through Analytics

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Wharton Data Science Academy alumna Sydney Bramen hopes to learn more about applying data science to real-world problems, including education inequality. Bramen tutors younger students through two Philadelphia volunteer organizations, SquashSmarts and OurVillage, so she’s seen the inequality firsthand. In fact, in her junior year, she learned the coding language Swift to create an app to help a struggling student learn fractions. Bramen says OurVillage now recommends the app for its math tutors.Read More