Wharton Sports Analytics Summer Research Lab – Student Spotlight

A group of five people standing in front of a large Philadelphia 76ers basketball logo, with some smiling and one giving a thumbs up.

For most students, the transition from spring to summer presents an opportunity to wrap up finals, close their textbooks, and enjoy a relaxing few months before starting back up again. That’s not quite the case for students in the Wharton Sports Analytics Research Lab (WSARL), a new offering from the Wharton Sports Analytics and Business Initiative (WSABI), created for select undergraduates at the University of Pennsylvania.Read More

AI on the Mind: Analytics at Wharton’s Neuroscientists Weigh In On AI’s Future with our Brains

A promotional graphic featuring two headshots, one of a man and one of a woman, with the text "AI on the Mind" and a description about a discussion on neuroscience and artificial intelligence.

Recent advancements in artificial intelligence present massive changes for every industry, and neuroscience is no exception. Analytics at Wharton sat down with our resident neuroscience experts – Michael Platt and Zab Johnson – to find out how they’re preparing, and how our brains will work with AI in the future.Read More

A Day in the Life of a Wharton Student: Spring 2023 Analytics Accelerator

A group of people in a modern office setting engaged in a meeting or discussion. Two individuals with laptops focus intently, while another is blurred in the foreground.

For the past three semesters, Rishabh Mandayam, M&T’24, has been collaborating with Analytics at Wharton’s corporate partners on the Analytics Accelerator, a six-week project where students wrangle company data and provide actionable business solutions. This spring marked the 10th Analytics Accelerator and saw Mandayam’s student team working alongside Hearst to uncover insights about the company’s readers.Read More

Data Science to the Rescue: Faculty Tackle Real-World Problems

Collage with text "Data Science to the Rescue: Faculty Tackle Real-World Problems," featuring scientific researchers, sparks from machinery, and coding on a laptop. Text overlay indicates a virtual series titled "Inspiring Impact."

Eric Bradlow, Vice Dean of Analytics at the Wharton School, leads a discussion on how Penn is harnessing huge data sets to improve health care, manage business challenges, identify crime patterns, mitigate the risks of social media, and more (#ImpactAnalytics).Read More