Renée Creppy Combines Passion for Neuroscience and Soccer During MindCORE Summer Fellowship Program

Renee Creppy

Renée Creppy is a junior at Xavier University of Louisiana, the only historically Black and Catholic university in the country, where she is earning a double major in neuroscience and French. Creppy was among 23 students who recently completed the MindCORE Summer Fellowship Program, a paid 10-week program at Penn that is open to outstanding undergrads.Read More

MindCORE Summer Fellowship Program Aims to Expand Opportunities in Neuroscience

Jenny Wey

The University has launched a multidisciplinary fellowship designed to introduce undergraduate students to opportunities in neuroscience, behavioral science, analytics, and data science. The MindCORE Summer Fellowship is a paid, 10-week program open to Penn and non-Penn undergrads who partner with mentors to embark on a unique research project based on their own interests.Read More

How Wharton is Growing the Field of Neuroscience

Ileri Akinnola

Ileri Akinnola is one of two recipients of the inaugural Applied Neuroscience and Business Analytics Summer Undergraduate Internship. Ileri spent 10 weeks this summer working on forthcoming marketing research that uses Netflix viewing data to examine how psychological makeup influences the movies people choose to watch.Read More

Paying It Forward: How Wharton Data Science Academy Alumna Sydney Bramen Is Creating Impact Through Analytics

Head shots of WiDS speakers

Wharton Data Science Academy alumna Sydney Bramen hopes to learn more about applying data science to real-world problems, including education inequality. Bramen tutors younger students through two Philadelphia volunteer organizations, SquashSmarts and OurVillage, so she’s seen the inequality firsthand. In fact, in her junior year, she learned the coding language Swift to create an app to help a struggling student learn fractions. Bramen says OurVillage now recommends the app for its math tutors.Read More