Wharton AI & Analytics Initiative Launches the Wharton Accountable AI Lab, Led by Professor Kevin Werbach

Wharton Accountable AI Lab logo

The Wharton AI & Analytics Initiative introduces the Wharton Accountable AI Lab, led by Professor Kevin Werbach, to advance responsible AI development through innovative research, governance, and actionable insights for businesses.Read More

Data Science to the Rescue: Faculty Tackle Real-World Problems

Collage with text "Data Science to the Rescue: Faculty Tackle Real-World Problems," featuring scientific researchers, sparks from machinery, and coding on a laptop. Text overlay indicates a virtual series titled "Inspiring Impact."

Eric Bradlow, Vice Dean of Analytics at the Wharton School, leads a discussion on how Penn is harnessing huge data sets to improve health care, manage business challenges, identify crime patterns, mitigate the risks of social media, and more (#ImpactAnalytics).Read More