Research Spotlight: Prof. Hamsa Bastani on Using Machine Learning To Combat Human Trafficking

Hamsa Bastani headshot

Hamsa Bastani, assistant professor of operations, information, and decisions at Wharton, discusses key findings from her research on how deep web data and machine learning can help law enforcement agencies investigate and intervene in human trafficking.Read More

Paying It Forward: How Wharton Data Science Academy Alumna Sydney Bramen Is Creating Impact Through Analytics

Head shots of WiDS speakers

Wharton Data Science Academy alumna Sydney Bramen hopes to learn more about applying data science to real-world problems, including education inequality. Bramen tutors younger students through two Philadelphia volunteer organizations, SquashSmarts and OurVillage, so she’s seen the inequality firsthand. In fact, in her junior year, she learned the coding language Swift to create an app to help a struggling student learn fractions. Bramen says OurVillage now recommends the app for its math tutors.Read More

Keynote Speaker Michelle Peluso, W’93, Shares #WhyWiDS Is a Must-Attend Event

Profile of Michelle Peluso highlighting her roles: EVP and CCO at CVS Health, and board member at Nike. It notes her past positions, and keynote on February 9, 2022.

The third annual Women in Data Science @ Penn Conference is packed with leading academics at Penn and industry titans from Amazon, PepsiCo, UnitedHealth Networks, and more! Get a sneak peek at the keynote address led by Michelle Peluso, W’93, EVP, COO, and Co-President of retail at CVS Health, and discover #WhyWiDS is a must-attend event. Read More