Principal Stratification for Advertising Experiments

Analytics at Wharton Research Principal Stratification for Advertising Experiments Advertising experiments often suffer from noisy responses making precise estimation of the average treatment effect (ATE) and evaluating ROI difficult. We develop a principal stratification model that improves the precision of the ATE by dividing the customers into three strata --Read More

Market Positioning Using Cross-Reward Effects in a Coalition Loyalty Program

Analytics at Wharton Research Market Positioning Using Cross-Reward Effects in a Coalition Loyalty Program While single-brand reward programs encourage customers to remain loyal to that one brand, coalition programs encourage customers to be “promiscuous” by offering points redeemable across partner stores. Despite the benefits of this “open relationship” with customers,Read More

Customer Acquisition via Display Advertising Using Multi-Armed Bandit Experiments

Analytics at Wharton Research Customer Acquisition via Display Advertising Using Multi-Armed Bandit Experiments Firms using online advertising regularly run experiments with multiple versions of their ads since they are uncertain about which ones are most effective. Within a campaign, firms try to adapt to intermediate results of their tests, optimizingRead More

Measuring Multi-Channel Advertising Response

Analytics at Wharton Research Measuring Multi-Channel Advertising Response Advances in data collection have made it increasingly easy to collect information on advertising exposures. However, translating this seemingly rich data into measures of advertising response has proven difficult, largely due to concerns that advertisers target customers with a higher propensity to buy or increase advertising during periods of peak demand. WeRead More

Bayesian Imputation for Anonymous Visits in CRM Data

Analytics at Wharton Research Bayesian Imputation for Anonymous Visits in CRM Data Targeting individual consumers has become a hallmark of direct and digital marketing, particularly as it has become easier to identify customers as they interact repeatedly with a company. However, across a wide variety of contexts and tracking technologies,Read More